Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Picture Password: How To Lock BB 10

Update the BlackBerry 10 operating system to version 10.2.1 brings a lot of interesting things. Besides the ability to install Android applications more easily in fact there are many additional features and improvements brought the latest version of the BB10. One of them is a Picture Password.

Picture password is a new method for securing your BlackBerry device 10 by combining the use of figures and images without having to type a password.

When the device is activated and the BlackBerry 10 in the locked state, you will be presented a picture and arrangement of numbers displayed randomly. Needed just point numbers that have been selected for a specific position which has also been selected.

Without lingering longer, here's how to turn on and some tips to maximize comfort and safety in using Picture Password feature.

There are two main steps to activate the Picture Password.

First, enable the Device Password

Picture Password can only be activated after the device password also in the active state. Device Password needed when you forget the combination Picture Password or if you want to access the BlackBerry 10 devices from the computer using the BlackBerry Link. By default, if you make a mistake when trying to open the lock with Picture Password as much as 5 times then you will be prompted to enter the device password.

If you have enabled Device Password then you can proceed to the next step. To enable the Device Password,

1. Swipe downwards from the top of the screen area.

2. Select Settings> Security and Privacy> Device Password

3. Slide the toggle to the On position Device Password
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4. You can also choose Simple Password if you just want to use numbers for your passwords. While the Simple Password Off position then you can combine letters and numbers as passwords.

5. Determine your password.


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