Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tukiman Cabuli Toddlers in Cattle

Tukiman ( 23 ) is a resident Polobogo , Getasan subdistrict , Semarang district , reported to the police because his neighbor who molested children aged five years , in two different places . One of the known action carried him in the cowshed .

The cowshed was not far from his house . The incident began when , five- year-old boy was playing with their peers around the house Tukiman .
( Read: ciri burung ciblek jantan )

Performers who was off work then call the victim into the house , with persuasion invited to watch television in the room . While in the room , Tukiman then perform an action .

In tengaj the offense, suddenly Tukiman grandfather 's voice in the house , so the boy was released . He was worried because the action would be caught .

Was not satisfied , Tukiman followed the boy to cross the cowshed . In the cage , Tukiman returned to his actions .

" Then I give money to Rp 20 thousand , I ordered to go home and I said do not tell anyone , " said Tukiman admitted his actions at the local police station .

Now , these abuse cases have been handled by the women do and Child Protection units ( PPA ) Semarang Police . This was revealed after the victim's parents reported to the police Tukiman deeds .

" Once we receive a report from the victim's family , we conduct an investigation and autopsy of hospitals Unggaran result there is a vital section wound victims . Later we suspect arrested without incident at his home , " said Invisible Criminal Police Semarang , AKP Pahala Martua Nababan , Sunday ( 4/5 / 2014 ) afternoon .

After experiencing the examination of witnesses and corroborated by the autopsy results , investigators PPA establishes Tukiman as a suspect . He was charged under Article 82 of Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection and Article 290 of the Criminal Code , with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison .


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