According to the Director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights ( Pusdeham ) Airlangga University Mohammed Asfar , the current political map of East Java Governor Election is not the same as the next presidential election .
( Read: memaster murai batu )
" Loyalists Khofifah mostly in the presidential election later NU is definitely divided , as are many NU clerics who had openly supporting Prabowo , " he said , Wednesday ( 28/05/2014 ) .
Moreover , he added , is also historical fact proves that Khofifah also failed to bring victory -vice presidential partner who supports the current 2009, the JK - Wiranto . Despite a year earlier , Khofifah arguably managed to collect a lot of noise that almost beat his opponent , partner - cawagub cagub East Java , Saifullah Yusuf - Soekarwo .
" Indeed, the results are different , if to fend for yourself , or fighting for each other , " he added .
Asfar even predict , support voice - JK Jokowi of loyalists Khofifah no better than voice support for Prabowo - Hatta from Mahfud MD who already have good relations with scholars boarding school in East Java region horseshoe .
In East Java Governor Election last year , paired with Herman Khofifah Surjadi Sumawiredja pulled in the second most votes , the 6,525,015 votes ( 37.62 percent ) of the winning pair , while Soekarwo - Saifullah Yusuf gained 8,195,816 votes ( 47.25 percent ) .
In the 2008 Gubernatorial Election , even former Minister of Women 's era Wahid nearly outperformed the vote Soekarwo - Saifullah Yusuf with a very small margin .